Seeing the Big Picture on Your Finances What keeps you up at night? For many of us, the concern is finances. “ How am I going to finance my retirement? ” Or, “ How are we going to save the funds for that dream vacation ?” Or maybe the narrative is something like, “ How am I going to get these debts paid ?” The first step to managing your finances is the ability to see the big picture. Managing your finances is not rocket science, but it does take discipline. A good place to start is with an online financial management tool. Online financial management tools are linked to your online banking account, and can provide the necessary insight to help you manage living costs, and identify areas where you can save. Online financial management tools give you the ability to view your investments (like 401k's) and loan balances (like your mortgage) as well as credit card and bank accounts. What most people may not realize is the full potential of online financial ma...